Stefan Fraefel
In a dim and distant past, at WFP forever – or more precisely – forever and for good. Responsible for internal mail.
Professional details: trained as a video technician and cutter in various film productions. First video cutting on Betacam, later Switzerland’s first Avid editing suite. Founded Spectra Films at the age of 23, working there as producer, director and cutter, founded Techo Films in 1986, and, two years later, Wirz & Fraefel together with Ernst Wirz.
Personal details: now that his three kids have flown the nest, he enjoys sitting by the sea with his wife on one of the Seychelles, falling asleep in front of the TV during a Coen brothers movie after a plate of aglio, olio et peperoncino and two or three glasses of really good wine, daydreaming to the chill sounds of Curtis Mayfield and losing himself in the monastic and murderous world of Umberto Eco. The creative chaos that follows him around is managed alternately by the slaves at WFP (when internal mail gets lost) and his wife Gaby (when he can’t find his Stan Smith sneakers).